Blue Hill EscapeAccommodation and mountain fynbos reserveWestern Cape, South Africa |
Photo of the momentOur first Aardwolf!29 July 2011. Our first winter download from our camera traps held some nice suprises for July - including caracal, our resident female leopard (Lady), and best of all - our first Aardwolf. These hyaena - like animals are currently classed in their own family as although they have dog-like canines, they eat only termites and insects - consuming up to 300,000 termites a night! We are hoping for some more photos of the Aardwolf where we can see the head a bit more clearly. Click on a gallery below to see more photosPrevious Moments from Blue Hill Escape Blue Hill Escape in pictures - including flowers, birds, animals and hikes A selection of photos from our camera traps Alan's photos from 7 years in Peru, including macaws, monkeys and other wildlife Blue Hill Escape |